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Loving Day 2014
By stephanie Posted in justice, Loving Day, marriage on 06/12/2014 One Comment
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lday14Today is June 12, which means it’s Loving Day. I talk about this day every year because it’s a day worth celebrating. On June 12, 1967, the US Supreme Court struck down all anti-miscenegation laws as unconstitutional in their ruling of Loving v. Virginia. These were laws that forbade interracial marriage, and the Supreme Court’s ruling allowed Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving to be legally married after their 9-year fight with the state of Virginia. It’s the Lovings’ legacy that is honored and remembered today, and they are the reason my husband and I have been happily married for almost 15 years. For that we are so very thankful.

The 1967 Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Lovings eloquently asserts: “The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.”  An undoubtedly beautiful ideal, however, when that freedom to marry is still not a reality.for many people in this country, then this day must not only be for celebrating the sweet endurance of love, but also a reminder to keep pushing for marriage equality and for true freedom for all.

Happy Loving Day!




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